What is white collar crime?
White collar crime refers to non-violent criminal activities that are committed for financial gain and include bribery, fraud, and embezzlement.
Bankruptcy is the legal process by which a debtor can obtain relief from overwhelming debt. When filing for bankruptcy, a debtor is required to provide a list of the property they own, as well as the assets they may have transferred to other parties within a given period. When filing for bankruptcy and knowingly or intentionally do any of the following, you may be charged with bankruptcy fraud:
- Fail to provide a complete list of all the assets you own
• Deliberately create a false document
• Intentionally conceal any transfer of property that may have occurred before the bankruptcy process
• Destroy, withhold, or submit incomplete documents
• Enlist another party to assist you in hiding property from a court
Fraudulent conduct that occurs before filing for bankruptcy can result in denial the discharge of debts. If you knowingly write a bad check, overstate your income when applying for credit, or purchase luxury items just before filing for bankruptcy, these acts may be found to be fraudulent.
How a lawyer can help
When you are found to have committed bankruptcy fraud or have been a victim of such fraud, it is important to enlist the legal assistance of a Maine white collar attorney.
If you are a defendant charged with a white collar crime, the Law Office of Richard S. Berne. Our legal experts will explain the charges you face, as well as represent you in a court of law. We will review every charge and discuss the various options available to you.
If you are a plaintiff in a bankruptcy fraud case, a qualified Portland Maine criminal attorney will help to ensure that your interests are protected, your rights are not violated, and that you recover your money. Depending upon the circumstances of the case, we will assist the fraud victim in obtaining restitution for the loss suffered.